
2021/10/05 Updates

Burn the Witch Collaboration Round 2 Characters Coming!

Tite Kubo, the creator of Bleach, brings fans a new awaited series, Burn the Witch!
Brave Souls once again joins Burn the Witch in a round 2 collaboration!
First we welcomed the two witches and now Bruno Bangnyfe, the head of the Magic Circle Corps: Inks, will join the fray!

Character Intros

Bruno Bangnyfe

Director of the Magic Circle Corps: Inks and one of the Top of Horns, the supreme powers that be of Wing Bind. Bruno fights on the front lines with his dragon, Rickenbacker.

Ninny Spangcole

A famous pop star in Front London and a 2nd Umbrella in the Wing Bind Minstrel Corps: Pipers in Reverse London, Ninny gets angry when her junior partner Noel refers to her by her first name.

Noel Niihashi

A student at South Braxton High in Front London and a 1st Umbrella in the Wing Bind Minstrel Corps: Pipers in Reverse London, Noel is a cool, calm, and collected girl who rarely expresses any strong emotions.